Keeping working on well-being
Fluvius aims to have satisfied employees who feel comfortable in themselves. We pay close attention to everyone’s well-being and energy balance, and continue to work on it constantly.
Human energy in balance
Humans’ energy reserves are split across four ‘batteries’:
- physical
- mental
- social
- meaning
Our initiatives always focus on at least one of these four metaphorical batteries.

Prevention is crucial!
Employees who are stressed or have health problems or conflicts at work can turn to our social assistants. But above all, we’ve got faith in prevention. In concrete terms, we use these structural activities to work on the health and happiness of every Fluvius employee.
Well-being seminars
The coronavirus crisis meant that many employees suddenly had to work full-time from home. Through internal webinars, staff gave each other tips and exchanged ideas about the power of positive thinking, self-care for you and your team, optimising focus, coping with anxiety, and moving from digi-stress to digi-happiness.
The topics ‘emotionally and psychologically safe environment’, ‘trust and security’, ‘employee satisfaction’ and ‘satisfied customers’ will remain relevant after the coronavirus crisis, so the webinars will remain on the agenda.

Training in well-being
We reworked the well-being courses in two areas. On the one hand, this training is no longer just for managers but also for all employees, as an element in shared leadership. On the other, the preventive aspect has also been incorporated into the training. Topics covered include ‘Boost your energy’, ‘Stress’ and ‘Absence policy – talking positively about being at work’.
Well-being magazine: energy in your letterbox
Every Fluvius employee once again received the Well-being magazine by post in 2020, chock full of tips for dosing your energy use and spreading it out. Employees can find inspiration in personal stories from colleagues who are managing their own well-being or helping others to do so.

Fitness testing and health scans
Employees can have fitness tests and health scans carried out free of charge at Fluvius. Together with our partner EnergyLab, we launched specific campaigns for healthier eating and more exercise. The COVID crisis meant that we had to scrap some planned events, but EnergyLab quickly made the switch to online follow-ups and continued to encourage employees to keep up a healthy lifestyle.
Online well-being checks
We publish an online well-being check every month on the intranet. The aim is to provide information for staff and encourage them to keep an eye on their own well-being. Each time, one aspect of one of the four energy ‘batteries’ is highlighted, such as ‘motivation’ (the ‘meaning’ battery).

The well-being team has put together a healthy cookbook and various exercise and relaxation videos with colleagues from throughout the organisation; profits will go to the Food Banks.
Extra: follow-up for staff who get infected
The team of social assistants monitored infected employees very closely, as well as their managers and colleagues, and sometimes their family members too. Additional attention was also paid to the welfare of technicians who had to go out into the field every day.