Fluvius’ Good Causes
In 2022, we also continued our long-term cooperation with our charities. We organised actions for the Food Banks and Kom op tegen Kanker. Involvement and good interaction between our employees and the charity play a key role here.
Food banks
Also in 2022, we organised our internal year-end ‘Warm Hearts’ campaign under the name 'Fluvius gaat hart’ to raise money for the Food Banks. In doing so, we encouraged mutual connection between colleagues as much as possible. For instance, the 'Warm Hearts Market', an online auction for and by colleagues, was met with great approval. The same applied to the sale of unique gift-wrap designed in-house. Moreover, Fluvius employees showed their warm hearts with generous free gifts. These initiatives raised a total of no less than EUR 72,706.96 for the Food Banks.

Kom op tegen Kanker
In 2022, around the Ascension weekend, 'The 1000 km for Kom op tegen Kanker' took place in Mechelen. This edition raised over EUR 6 million for cancer research. Thanks to all Fluvius colleagues, 37 colleagues cycled their hearts out and our share in the total amount raised was EUR 87,304.60 euros. The 20 Fluvius runners added another EUR 12,500 in March. In total, all Fluvius employees together donated some EUR 100,000 to this Cancer Foundation.
More than 170,000 euros. We raised this total for Kom op tegen Kanker and the Food Banks combined.