Keeping working on well-being
Fluvius aims for satisfied employees who feel good about themselves. We pay close attention to everyone's well-being and energy balance, and keep working on it constantly.
Human energy in balance
Human energy is divided into four 'batteries'. In our initiatives, we always focus on one or more of these four (physical, mental, social and meaningfulness).

Prevention before all else
Employees coping with stress, health problems or conflicts at work can turn to our social assistants. Meanwhile, our team coordinator and social assistants are all trained in stress and burnout coaching.
But above all, we strongly believe in prevention. Specifically, we work on the health and working happiness of every Fluvius employee through structural actions.

Meanwhile, our team coordinator and social assistants have all also been trained in stress and burnout coaching.
Well-being seminars
The in-house well-being webinars are always a great success. The original themes were continued and expanded to include a webinar on stress.

Training in well-being
The introduction of the revamped welfare courses was done digitally and with success. Managers and staff learned skills so they could work reactively and proactively on well-being. Examples of our courses include ‘Boost your energy’, ‘Stress’, and ‘Absence policy – talking positively about being at work’.
Fitness testing and health scans
We offer our employees free fitness tests and health scans. Those who want to can be guided by a health coach for several months on the topics of nutrition, exercise and sleep. Together with partner Energy Lab, we put as many employees as possible in motion with sporting challenges, and launched specific campaigns on healthier eating and coping with stress.

Improper behaviour
The results of the welfare survey in late 2020 showed that a number of employees had been victims of unacceptable behaviour. Also in 2022, we engaged with colleagues from different regions to clarify exactly what this term means, see where people’s boundary lies and make agreements for the future.
Digital well-being support through Mindlab
We have been working with Mindlab since 2021, a digital platform that gives participants information and tips on a number of well-being topics. Colleagues can work on these themes when and where it suits them best. As more than 200 employees already found their way to the platform and were satisfied with it, we have continued the cooperation with Mindlab in 2022.