Together for a sustainable world
In collaboration with numerous partners, we put our expertise at the service of society and contribute to a sustainable world. We use our knowledge and resources as a lever to use our planet's natural resources (water, energy, etc.) wisely. Goal: to generate more renewable energy, reduce CO2 emissions in Flanders and encourage people to use energy and water rationally.
93,000 premiums
Those who make energy-efficient investments can apply to us for a premium. In 2022, the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA) paid out almost 93,000 premiums, totalling over EUR 91 million.

Continued focus on BENOveren and energy savings
Following the campaign around BENOveren in 2020, we continued to promote Better Renovation in 2022.
This was done via the blogs 'Renovation and Better Renovation (BENOveren)’ and the blogs 'What does Fluvius do for you?', among others.
Free online info session 'Save on your energy bills'
Local authorities can organise free 'Energy Flash Sessions' on various topics: from energy saving to renovation works. We organise these for residents at the request of the city or municipality.
In October and November 2022, we organised four online sessions in cooperation with the Bond Beter Leefmilieu. There, an energy specialist gave practical info on more efficient energy consumption in 1.5 hours. The tips went beyond simply putting on a thicker jumper or putting a lid on your pot while cooking. Participation was free.

Energy care plan for public buildings
We are helping cities and municipalities to achieve the 2030 and 2050 climate targets by taking charge of making their buildings energy-efficient.
Energy and housing premiums merge into 'My Renovation Premium'
The Flemish government decided in early 2022 to merge two premiums into one:
- the income-related renovation premiums of Wonen Vlaanderen and
- the premiums for insulation and energy-saving appliances that we paid.
The new premium is called the 'My Renovation Premium'. From now on, you can apply for it in one place: mijnverbouwpremie.be. In this way, the government wants to lower the threshold for applying for the premiums.