Data management
As an independent data manager, we make a lot of data available to various parties in the energy landscape. In this way, we build on an open, active and reliable relationship with all our customers, suppliers and third parties, local governments and other authorities, as well as our regulators. In doing so, we always respect the privacy legislation and pay a lot of attention to data quality.
We offer quite a few datasets on our website as open data and we are systematically expanding this offering.

MIG-6 is one year old
All processes within the market - such as new connections, supplier switches and measurement regimes - are described in the 'MIG' (Message Implementation Guide). These are the rules of the game which all market players and their IT systems closely follow. Today, to meet the changing expectations of the energy transition, we are working with the latest version of MIG-6.
For the energy market, MIG-6, combined with new processes, provides a big step towards the market operation of the future. But there are also new opportunities for our customers.
- Customers can opt for monthly billing for electricity and gas. Thus, there are already 20,957 contracts with monthly billing for electricity and 10,129 for gas.
- Customers can apply to energy suppliers for a 'metering regime 3', where quarterly values are exchanged and dynamic supply contracts are possible. Today, 11,555 customers already enjoy this metering regime.
- Customers can share or sell energy to other connection points (EANs). By the end of 2022, we counted more than 600 customers engaging in some form of energy sharing. This figure is rising steadily.
Link with Housing Pass and V-test
Woningpas, the Flemish government's online application containing all kinds of relevant information about every home and plot in Flanders, is becoming increasingly user-friendly. Thanks to a close collaboration with Fluvius, since the beginning of 2022, users will also find information about their registered solar panels, energy meter(s) and annual consumption for gas and electricity. Anyone who wants to see this data in the Housing Pass must apply to share energy data on our customer portal mijn.fluvius.be.
Energy regulator VREG's online tool V-test also uses this data exchange. With V-test, customers can compare all gas and electricity contracts offered in Flanders. Thus, since June 2022, VREG possesses the most recent and accurate information needed for a realistic comparison between energy contracts.

Accelerated digital meter roll-out
On 10 November 2022, we clocked 2 million digital meters installed in Flanders, an increase of almost 1 million meters year-on-year. This was also an important milestone in terms of market share, as they have since been installed in at least 1 in 3 households in Flanders.
In 2022, the digital meter clearly gained in popularity and support. Due to high energy prices, more and more Flemish people started looking for detailed information about their energy consumption. In addition, households with digital meters also gained many new possibilities in 2022, such as selling solar power, as well as monthly billing and energy sharing.
Digital water meter
Another important project that started in 2022: digital water meters. On 18 February 2022, the first digital water meter was installed in a pilot project of three Flemish water companies (De Watergroep, FARYS and Pidpa) and grid company Fluvius. That project is preparing the large-scale rollout of the digital water meter. Thanks to intensive cooperation between the utilities, the installation of the digital meters for electricity, gas and water is done simultaneously, through the same contractor. In addition, existing communication technology is maximally reused: the digital water meters - like the gas meters - are linked to our digital electricity meter and can thus communicate with the outside world.

How many digital meters will Flanders have by the end of 2021?
Mijn Fluvius: free online application to get started with digital consumption info
With Mijn Fluvius, every household can consult its consumption data free of charge and online, and thus get a better overview of its energy consumption. The digital meter sends this data to Mijn Fluvius.
The digital meter offers Mijn Fluvius by default the history of consumption info per day for both electricity and gas. Customers can also request detailed data, hourly for gas and quarter-hourly for electricity. The free provision of that info is an important step in raising awareness and sensitising every Fleming to more economical, smart and greener energy use.
More and more families with a digital meter are also actively adopting it by activating their free access to Mijn Fluvius. By the end of 2022, this was the case for 373,616 households, accounting for 30% of all households with a digital electricity meter. No less than 74,381 households linked a device with a smart app (maakjemeterslim.be) to the user port of their digital meter. This allows them to monitor their energy consumption almost live (per second for electricity and per quarter of an hour for gas).