A word from our chairman
Dear reader,
We cannot avoid it. Society is changing at an ever-increasing speed. The challenges are also great in terms of climate and energy supply, areas in which Fluvius plays an important role.
Looking ahead
Traditionally, an annual report looks back at the operations of the past year, but in 2022 our focus was particularly on our new Investment Plan 2023-2032. A look ahead in which Fluvius outlines the principles and action plans that will enable grids to cope with the sharply rising demand for electricity over the next decade.
After all, by 2050, every country in Europe must be 'climate neutral'. The sharp rise in electric vehicles and more heat pumps for home heating, among other things, will mean that electricity will play an increasingly important role in the energy mix.
In order to prepare our networks for the future, allow more digitalisation and respond to a changing climate with more intense weather conditions, we will invest no less than EUR 4 billion extra in our energy networks over the next ten years, on top of the regular operation.
Supporting measures
Energy regulator VREG had the new grid tariffs for electricity, including the capacity tariff, introduced since 1 January 2023. These reformed grid tariffs are a necessary element in the energy transition, together with the digital meter. They help all Flemish households and companies to track and spread their consumption and thus put less strain on the grids. Without these support measures, the necessary investments in the electricity grids could rise much higher in the future. It is and remains a task of Fluvius to provide grid management at an acceptable social cost.
But the challenges lie in several areas. For instance, the number of heat networks in which Fluvius is involved is growing every year. There is the importance of good, timely and reliable energy data to facilitate the energy market. And there is also the further expansion of data networks so that, with further digitalisation, everyone has access to fast internet. To this end, Fluvius and Telenet have agreed to work together on the data network of the future. Approval for this was sought from the European Directorate-General for Competition in 2022.
And there are the consequences of climate change that require a well-developed sewerage network and the drawing up of rainwater plans. Besides higher levels of sewerage, we need to focus more on infiltration and reuse of rainwater. That is why we shifted up a gear in the sewerage works and are closely involved in the Flemish government's 'Blue Deal' initiative to structurally tackle water shortage and flooding problems.
Support, now and in the future
Where are we today in our journey towards 'climate neutral'? What solutions are already emerging and what decisions are still to be made? We must, will and can take action to help all cities and towns in Flanders move forward in this. That is what Fluvius is all about today, with an eye on tomorrow.
We have an important responsibility, including through exemplary behaviour, to get our citizens on board in the necessary change of habits around using less and environmentally friendly energy. And then the support of the shareholders, the Flemish cities and municipalities, is essential to achieve this together. We all need each other.
Wim Dries
Chair of the Fluvius Board of Directors